Killer Love
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[00:01.01]Nicole Scherzinger - Everybody
[00:21.51]In the lights in your eyes
[00:25.84]I'm resting peacefully by your side, by your side
[00:31.39]And you turn like the tides I was all wasted
[00:37.59]And there goes my whole life
[01:51.54][00:41.03]Hearts beats it feels like I'm dying
[01:54.08][00:43.18]My knees I can't give up trying
[01:56.47][00:45.89]All I want is to know where you are
[02:01.77][00:50.92]Don't leave me here alone waiting
[02:04.20][00:53.48]Cause your love's a chance that I'm taking
[02:06.69][00:56.74]Yeah yeah yeah
[03:14.60][03:04.56][02:54.89][02:11.47][01:00.84]Everybody needs somebody, oh, yeah
[03:24.83][02:21.62][01:10.91]Everybody needs somebody, oh
[03:33.33][01:19.43]And I need you
[01:31.97]And I don't know any words
[01:36.35]That would convince you that you are save with me
[01:42.09]Is no sun in the sky
[01:46.58]Will make you clearest to you could hear me
[02:30.37]I need you
[02:32.78]So bad that hurts is this you sleep away from my eyes
[02:42.17]I finally wear in a shell
[02:47.05]Hoping your saint will save me from these dark night



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