极致典藏-跨世纪精选(The Very Best Of Enya)
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[00:00.00]You know when you gave your love away
[00:11.18]It opened your heart' everything is new
[00:20.00]And you know time will always find a way
[00:25.08]To let your heart believe it’s true
[00:31.76]You know love is everything you say
[00:37.56]A whisper' a word' promises you give
[00:43.69]You feel it in the heartbeat of the day
[00:49.49]You know this is the way love is
[01:04.82]Love is always love
[01:25.05]You know love will sometimes make you cry
[01:30.32]So let the tears go they will flow away
[01:36.80]For you know love will always let you fly
[01:42.31]How far a heart can fly away
[01:57.84]Love is always love
[02:29.67]You know when love’s shining in your eyes
[02:35.13]It may be the storms falling from above
[02:41.51]And you know love is with you when you rise
[02:47.45]For night and day belong to love



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