En Concert
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?[00:11.46]Look at all those fancy clothes
[00:14.68]Lord knows these could keep us warm just like those
[00:20.70]And what about your soul is it cold
[00:24.12]Is it straight from the mold and ready to be sold
[00:29.12]And cars and phones and diamond rings
[00:32.88]Bling bling because those are only removable things
[00:38.96]And what about your mind does it shine
[00:42.99]Are there things that concern you more than your time
[00:47.65]Gone going
[00:49.13]Gone everything
[00:50.83]Gone don't give a damn
[00:52.57]Gone be the birds when they don't wanna sing
[00:55.46]Gone people all awkward with their things
[01:10.70]Look at you out to make a deal
[01:15.17]You try to be appealing but you lose your appeal
[01:19.69]And what about those shoes you're in today they'll do no good
[01:24.84]On the bridges you burnt along the way
[01:28.69]And you're willing to sell anything gone with your head
[01:33.29]Leave your footprints
[01:34.88]And we'll shame them with our words
[01:37.00]Gone people all careless and consumed gone
[01:42.11]Gone goin' gone everything
[01:45.26]Gone give a damn
[01:46.86]Gone be the birds when they don't wanna sing
[01:49.70]Gone people all awkward with their things gone



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