Can't Love, Can't Hurt
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[al:Can't Love, Can't Hurt]
[00:-2.00]Augustana - Dust
[00:00.00]LK歌词组 Rock小分队 Kevin Boul
[00:01.18]So go on and tear it up
[00:07.97]Black and cold with the dust
[00:14.38]Cuz I believed in the lord
[00:20.94]And he don't show up anymore
[00:34.05]If you can't trust the wind who can you trust?
[00:40.54]If you can't love sin who can you love?
[00:47.52]If I begin will you let me finish up?
[01:00.51]If I fell down would you pick me up?
[01:07.14]If I don't drink from a silver cup, like you
[01:13.76]Would you say, so long, farewell, good luck'
[01:26.65]So go on tear it up
[01:33.15]Black and cold with the dust
[01:39.72]Cuz I believed in the Lord
[01:45.83]But he don't show up anymore
[02:19.15]If a man can't lie how can he speak?
[02:25.85]If the sun don't rise would the moon be out of reach
[02:32.49]If I came home would you get down on your knees?
[02:45.62]So go on tear it up
[02:52.24]Black and cold with the dust
[02:58.72]Cuz I believed in the Lord
[03:05.38]And he don't show up anymore
[04:04.79]Cuz I believed in the lord
[04:11.20]Cuz I believed in the lord
[04:17.78]Cuz I believed in the lord
[04:22.86]But he don't show up
[04:24.74]He don't show up anymore
[04:28.44]No, not anymore
[04:42.44]Not anymore
[04:45.63]Larry Cheng & Kevin Boul, share with you!



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