007五十周年精选集 Best of Bond...
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[ti:The Living Daylights]
[al:Best of Bond... James Bond 50 ]
[00:14.93]Hey driver, where were going
[00:18.86]I swear my nerves are showing
[00:22.36]Set your hopes up way too high
[00:26.41]The livings in the way we die
[00:38.91]Comes the morning and the headlights fade away
[00:47.16]Hundred thousand people...Im the one they blame
[00:55.18]Ive been waiting long for one of us to say
[01:03.23]Save the darkness, let it never fade away
[01:11.78]In the living daylights.
[01:28.83]All right, hold on tighter now
[01:32.57]Its down, down to the wire
[01:36.25]Set your hopes way too high
[01:40.15]The livings in the way we die
[01:52.67]Comes the morning and the headlights fade in rain
[02:00.93]Hundred thousand changes...everythings the same
[02:08.67]Ive been waiting long for one of us to say
[02:17.09]Save the darkness, let it never fade away
[02:26.00]In the living daylights.
[03:19.03]Comes the morning and the headlights fade away
[03:26.95]Hundred thousand people...Im the one they frame
[03:33.21]In the living daylights.



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