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Songs Title:starlight

You're hangin' around and got nothing to do
You wanna get out some pills in front of you
You fly on invisible wings
Be careful my friend for too many can kill
You say that's the meaning of life's those pills
You forget all eathly things
You swallow your pill you wanna feel free
A trip to a world made of games
You do it again yet itps never the same
But a junkie's not something to be
Starlight fallin' deep through your eyes
Starlight shinin' down for your soul to arise
Now there's a needle lying in front of you
I'm frighten of those things
But I know what you'll do
You neet to scape from the night, ha ha
You ride on through heaven you don't feel the pain
You ride on and reide on again and again
On the needle that brins you the light
You feel the mind-blowin' stuff
Flow through your veins
You take off and fly to the sun
But when you get too near your wings will be burnt
You'll die in the flames and you'll fall
Starlight fallin' deep through your eyes
Starlight shinin' down for your soul to arise
Starlight fallin' deep through your eyes
Starlight shinin' down for your soul to arise



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